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Summer activities for families near Rome - Acquapark Fontevivola!

Written by: Jessie Wittingslow - Aug 2022

Summertime in central Italy can get hot, really hot. It's a heat that I hate because it sufficates

many of my favorite Roman countryside activities. Long lunches outside, walks through

ancient ruins or medievel towns become physically impossible above 40 degrees. So along with the suffocating heat, comes a little open-mindedness when it comes to family activities. That is, openness to anything that keeps everyone calm and cool.

Including waterparks. I know, I know. Chlorinated pools filled with other people's leftover body fluids and screaming children. Not exactly calm or cool, but think again.

Acquapark Fontevivola is one of the cutest waterparkes I’ve ever seen. Dont get me wrong,

this is a full on waterpark with everything you could wish for (check out their website here),

but it's on a human scale. It's not overwhelming. It's not loud. It feels vaguely familiar, like

you have stepped back in time to the way waterparks used to be, before they turned into

hybrid amauzment parks.

Open all summer from June to September, from 9.00 to 18.30 Monday to Friday and

weekends 9.00 to 19.00. Cost is 7 euros per person, with an afternoon (after 13.00) rate of 5

euros per person. You have to pay extra for sunbeds, however there is a grass area you can

lay in the shade for free, close to the picnic area.

I recommend going in the late afternoon, while the sun has less of a bite to it. After a few

hours of waterslide madness you might be in need of a summer aprivito. There is a beautiful

place in Sutri called the Cantina del Drago that has amazing food, local natural wines and

most importantly a grassed terrace for the kids to play.

Click on pictures to expand:

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